Monday, March 19, 2012

Munchkin Monday: Church Quiet Activities

Do your kids get bored sitting in sacrament meeting? (If you don't know what sacrament meeting is, visit this link and it will tell you some more info about our church =)  )  When kids are bored....they get noisy.  (at least mine do)  I usually have some quiet activities in my bag for the kids but they are getting bored with them so I have been looking for some new things for them to do that would be appropriate during church.  While zooming through pinterest I came across some ideas and then modified them a little to work for church.

I bought a box of jumbo wood sticks a few weeks ago to do some crafts with and it only $1 more to get box of 300 instead of I got the big one.  Now I have to figure out what to do with them.  So I figured I would use these sticks for the quiet games for the kids.

For the first, I had my 6 (almost 7) year old help. (It kept her out of my hair for awhile, and she really liked that she got to help).  I had her paint a bunch of sticks whatever colors she wanted (both sides).  Then i had her attach the velcro.  I just bought the already cut circular stuff.  I told her to put one scratchy piece and one soft piece on each end, then turn it over and put a soft piece on the other side of the scratchy and a scratchy on the oter side of the soft.  She did pretty good, but I noticed a few oopsies....oh well =)

The point of these is that they can put them together to form shapes, letters, or whatever.  They can match colors or make patterns.  It's nice and quiet and keeps their hands busy. =)

The next ones I did were puzzles.  I got some 5x7 pictures and cut them into strips to fit on the sticks.  Then I glued them on.  Don't go overboard with the glue because I will make the sticks wet and then they will me.  Just use a light coat of glue. Then let the kids give it a test run. =)

They had fun putting them together.  But the true test will be if they work for church.....

This is the Las Vegas Temple.  It's where me and my hubby got married.  (I love to say that I got married in Vegas.  I get lots of fun looks)

 These are pictures of 3 of my favorite people.  Without their guidance, life would be a whole lot harder an definitely not as rewarding.  I don't want to get all preachy so to learn more, visit here.
After I finished, I realized what would have made them look a bit better....I'm not exactly famous for my cutting skills or making straight lines (just ask my kindergarten, first grade, second grade....high school professors....)I should have glued the picture in one piece on the sticks.  Let dry, and the used an exact-o-knife and cut in between.  I'll do that next time because I plan on making more.

(I know some of the sticks are out of order.....I let my little girl put them together and wasn't paying attention until after I put them on here....)
You can find this awesome post linked up to the following Fantastic Parties: