Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sweet Tooth Tuesday: DIY Colored Sugar Sprinkles

DIY Colored Sugar Sprinkles

So, I am somewhat obsessed with glitter.  
And when I found this post http://www.planetpals.com/craft-non-toxic-craft-supply-recipes.html on how to make my own, I was SO excited.  And then I thought....what if I used sugar instead of salt.
I love buying the colored sugar to decorate cookies and cakes with.  Well now I can make my own for pennies & get the exact color that I want!!!
Super excited right now ;)

I just followed the recipe and used sugar instead.  Here are the deets:

1/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp liquid food coloring (or less, depending on the color you want)
Mix together well!
Now...DO NOT FOLLOW THE NEXT INSTRUCTIONS!!!  They only work if you use salt!!!!
Spread on a foil lined baking sheet.
Bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees.
Let cool.
Now, if you didn't listen to me...this is what you get:

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  Made me laugh so hard!  Of course sugar will melt when you bake it.  Live and learn people, live and learn.
Instead, just spread it out on the foil and let dry.
And now decorate to your heart's desire =)

You can find this awesome post linked up to the following Fantastic Parties: